LaTeX Bundle Extension

I was a longstanding Emacs user, and I was accustomed to some behaviour of the CDLaTeX package, though the LaTeX bundle provides very similar functionalities my LaTeX writting style (and some keybindings I were used to) were not really compatible with them. Thus I have written some small personal extensions.

The extension is available from this link (download updated 2007-11-7)


I was surprised that the LaTeX Bundle did not come with snippets for subscripts and superscripts.


activated by the _ key with text.tex.latex string.other.math scope, and


activated by the ^ key with text.tex.latex string.other.math scope.

Finally I include a patch to the tabular snippet to correct the bug where an additional column separator (&) is added.

$0${2/((?<=[clr])(\|*(c|l|r)))|./(?1: & )/g}

bound to tab tab trigger.


The main functionality of the bundle is in the macro LaTeX Symbol. The key equivalent for the macro is !. The macro works as follows

  1. it takes as input the current word (or string of characters)
  2. it checks whether the input is in LaTeX math mode (math scope in TextMate)
    • if not in math mode it encloses the input in math mode (by prefixing and postfixing $)
  3. if the input matches one of the key inputs then it replaces the key input with the LaTeX symbol for the key input. Otherwise
    • if the key input is alphanumeric, it uses the last character as key input, and then replaces it with the corresponding symbol (if any);
    • if the key input is not alphanumeric, it takes as input the sting of charchters excluding the leading and trailing parenthesis, white spaces and dollar signs (i.e., ][}{)( $)


In the examples below the characters on the left-hand side of => is the sequence of keys you type and the characters on the right-hand side is the output of the sequence.

a! => \alpha (math mode/math scope)
a! => $\alpha$ (non in math mode/math scope)
\alphab! => \alpha\beta
\alpha b! => \alpha \beta
a!b! => \alpha\beta
d! => \delta
\delta! => \partial
d!! => \partial
->! => \rightarrow
1! => !

The sequence a!b! includes two steps: 1) a! that produces \alpha and then 2) b! that produces \beta. In the sequence d!!, again, there are two substitutions, the first d! producing \delta, and then \delta! produces \partial. This essentially corresponds to level 1 and level 2 symbols in CDLaTeX package.

If you have to produce 1! please type 11!.

Key Inputs

Here is the list of current key inputs

a => \alpha, 
A => \forall, 
b => \beta,
B => \Box,
c => \subset, subset => subseteq,
C => \supset, supset => supseteq,
d => \delta, delta => partial, 
D => \Delta, Delta => Diamond,
e => \epsilon, epsilon => varepsilon,
E => \exists,
f => \phi, phi => varphi,
g => \gamma,
G => \Gamma,
h => \eta, eta => hbar,
i => \in, in => imath,
I => \Im,
j => \jmath,
k => \kappa,
l => \lambda, lambda => ell, 
L => \Lambda,
m => \mu,
n => \nu,
N => \nabla,
o => \omega,
O => \Omega, Omega => mho,
p => \pi, pi => varpi,
P => \Pi,
q => \theta, theta => vartheta,
Q => \Theta,
r => \rho, rho => varrho,
R => \Re,
s => \sigma, sigma => varsigma,
S => \Sigma,
t => \tau,
T => \top, top => bot,
u => \upsilon,
U => \Upsilon,
v => \vee, vee => bigvee, 
V => \Phi,
w => \xi,
W => \Xi,
x => \chi,
y => \psi,
Y => \Psi,
z => \zeta,
0 => \emptyset,
8 => \infty,
& => \wedge, wedge => bigwedge, 
~ => \approx, approx => simeq,
+ => \cup, cup => bigcup, 
- => \neg, 
* => \times,
/ => \not, 
' => \prime,
. => \cdot,
|- => \vdash,
|= => \models,
<-> => \leftrightarrow, leftrightarrow => longleftrightarrow,
<=> => \Leftrightarrow, Leftrightarrow => Longleftrightarrow,
->  => \rightarrow, longrightarrow => rightarrow,
<- => \leftarrow, longleftarrow => leftarrow,
<= => \Leftarrow, Longleftarrow => Leftarrow,
=> => \Rightarrow, Longrightarrow => Rightarrow,
~> => \leadsto,
| => \mapsto, mapsto => longmapsto,
< => \langle,
> => \rangle


The bundle seems to work for me. Please report bugs to me.